Apollo 14 LUNAR SURFACE + EVA used flown film presentation
Article No.:
Only one available from our original series of "Spaceflori" artifact presentations :
This presentation bears a piece of an unexposed but processed 70mm film fragment of Alan Shepard's Hasselblad camera he used on the moon.
The film fragment comes from Roll 64 and was OUTSIDE !! the lunar module on the lunar surface.
Apollo 14 was originally slated to land at "Littrow Crater", but after Apollo 13, NASA decided that Apollo 14 should take Apollo 13's original landing site in the "Fra Mauro" highlands. Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space during the Mercury program. The other crew consisted of Lunar Module Pilot Edgar Mitchell and Command Module Pilot Stuart Roosa. Apollo 14 was NASAs third manned lunar landing. Mission goals were to investigate the lunar surface in the "Fra Mauro" formation, deploy experiments, take photographs and collect moon rocks.
The source of this film fragment is Richard Underwood who was responsible for the film handling after the missions.
Your presentation package includes :
- 8x10 color glossy presentation - ready to mat and frame
- Lunar surface flown piece of film
All our presentations, acrylics and other merchandising articles made or produced by BeenInSpace or Artifactcloud do come with an attached or separate certificate of authenticity (COA) and are guaranteed authentic without any limits. We do include copies of the source certificate or documentation where available.