Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

"I am writing to let you know that the Apollo 11 Film presentation arrived today all intact and perfect.  It's beautiful! And thank you so much for the 2 cards with silver pen markings from Apollo 15's Jim Irwin. Such a wonderful gift and above and are a wonderful person to work with. Very best to you."
Michael Folker / USA

"Can I please take the opportunity to say a really big thankyou to you for both all your professional help and advice but additionally your really friendly assistance and patience. I have sourced material over the years through many other dealers...some of them are ok to deal with but none get even close to the service and help given by you, in MY opinion."  Chris Hirschfield / United Kingdom

"Hello from Texas, what a truly nice surprise! Not only was the Apollo 16 crew  presentation better in person, but also the John Young NASA 8x10 numbered glossy portrait was even more crisp and brilliant than I imagined. THEN, to further add even more glamour to your provisions, there smiling unexpectedly before me was the signed portrait of your friend Gennady Padalka! Totally a surprise! Thank you so very much for this kindness and for your thoughtful generosity. You have made this otherwise dull drab Monday into a most spectacular day after all!"

Colton Bradshaw / USA

"You've been so kind to me since my collecting journey began. Dealing with you is like walking into, say, a bakery you've been going to for years, being greeted by name and handed their best artisan loaf - just with a small time lag!"

Tina Stagg / Australia